Hier ein Beitrag von Franky aus dem Forum von www.ovalrace.com:
Media information: Embargo: 0001 hrs Wednesday 25th Feb '09
An all new North American stockcar series is to run in Europe this year. The new oval-based Late Model Series is set to launch in the coming weeks.
The championship is the result of talks between established Belgian stock car promoter CAMSO, Spedeworth International Ltd. and the SCSA V8 Trophy. Open to any North American stock car with a wheelbase of 104-105 inches, the championship will follow performance-equalising guidelines to allow former ASCARs to race alongside CAMSO V8s.
Fourteen rounds are already confirmed; ten will take place in Belgium, with a further four in the UK. Racing will kick-off with a double-header on 12-13 April at Warneton International Speedway, Belgium.
Eighteen cars and drivers have already been confirmed, including British CAMSO V8 driver Kelvin Hassell. “This is an incredible new initiative, and I’m very excited to be a part of it,” said Hassell. “There is a good, solid fan base for American-style stock cars in Europe and the championship is set to be extremely popular. It’s also a really good way to get into the American NASCAR series and ASA, as we use identical cars.
“We have the dates, the finance and a strong grid of cars, now we are just waiting to see who else would like to come and take part.”
Teams and drivers entering the championship are set to benefit from prize money, free entries and a limited amount of free tyres. Negotiations are also underway for TV coverage in mainland Europe and the UK.
Notes to editors
Launch information will be issued in a weeks time along with a full calendar and Team/Driver information
Hi res images available on request
For more information, please contact:
Tony Roots
Tel: +44 (0)786 032 73 97
Email: team@rootscontractors.co.uk
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