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Thema: Puebla Video


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  1. #1
    Erfahrener Benutzer
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    Standard Puebla Video

    hab endlich mal ein Video gefunden, um zu sehen was so in Puebla läuft:
    you Tube - Puebla Ovalracing
    sieht auch stark nach ASA aus und klingt nach V6...
    Aber der Kommentator ist super
    Thomas Steinert

  2. #2
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    #71 Bullitt Racing Team

    Standard Puebla Video

    Sieht wirklich sehr interessant aus, boah, hoffentlich klappt das mit der ASCE. Dann haben wir endlich auch sowas.

    btw: Hab den Thread mal ins Allgemeine Motorsport Forum verschoben
    Tippspielsieger 2006 | Tippspiel Runner-Up 2010

  3. #3
    Erfahrener Benutzer
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    Standard Puebla Video

    Original von #43 Bobby Labonte

    btw: Hab den Thread mal ins Allgemeine Motorsport Forum verschoben
    Naja immerhin dies das 2007 eine offizielle NASCAR Rennserie :

    NASCAR Announced newest series: NASCAR announced its newest international racing series. Under a licensing agreement with NASCAR, the Desafio Corona Series – the No. 1 stock car racing series in Mexico – will become the NASCAR Mexico Corona Series in 2007. The re-launch of this series expands NASCAR’s presence in Mexico and supports NASCAR’s commitment to Mexico and the international motorsports community. The series was originally founded in 2004, in conjunction with the OCESA and NASCAR partnership to form NASCAR Mexico. NASCAR Mexico is a local base of operations, which oversees sponsorship, licensing and marketing for the NASCAR and NASCAR Mexico brands in Mexico. OCESA, a subsidiary of CIE, the leading live entertainment company in Latin America, also stages the NASCAR Busch Series event in Mexico City. In 2006, the Desafio Corona Series consisted of a 14-race schedule at oval tracks and road courses throughout Mexico, including seven of its largest cities: Mexico City, Monterrey, Puebla, Zacatecas, Guadalajara, San Luis Potosi and Queretaro. Several drivers have successfully made the transition from this series into NASCAR racing in the U.S., including the 2005 Desafio Corona Series champion, Jorge Goeters, who claimed the Busch Pole award for the inaugural Busch Series race in Mexico City and made his Nextel Cup Series debut at Watkins Glen International in 2005. The 2007 NASCAR Mexico Corona Series is scheduled to debut at the renowned Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez in Mexico City the weekend of March 2, along with the NASCAR Busch Series and the Rolex Sports Car Series. All NASCAR Mexico Corona Series events are broadcast live in Mexico, on Televisa, and throughout Latin America on SPEED Latin America. Former NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series driver Chad Little, who has worked as NASCAR’s director of racing development, Mexico since 2005, will continue to provide competition support for the NASCAR Mexico Corona Series.(NASCAR PR)(12-10-2006)
    1000-1: Jeff Gordon to climb from his car in Victory Lane, light a cigarette, fail to mention a single sponsor, take a swig from a bottle of ice cold Coke and remark to the TV reporter that “God, I’m good! If it wasn’t for me, there wouldn’t be any talent on this team.”<br /><br />

  4. #4
    PS Racing

    Standard Puebla Video

    Es wäre doch genial, wenn sich die NASCAR als Dachverband aller Nextel Cup ähnlichen Rennserien weltweit etablieren könnte. Stellt euch mal vor : NASCAR Europe Series, das wäre doch was, oder? Besser als „American Stock Car Europe“.

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